Sunday, 28 September 2008

'Silly Hats at the Taf' Social

The turn out at the AU fair was great and I look forward to seeing lots of you at training on Monday. The first social of the year is going to be Friday 3rd October @ 8 in the Taf. The theme is to wear a daft hat, not only will it make it easier to spot each other but the person with the best hat (as voted by me!) gets a free drink of their choice. This time the idea's to get to know each other a bit better and have a laugh, but there's going to be a pub crawl coming up in the next few weeks too. Anyone who missed the fair is more than welcome to come along too. Hope to see you all there, Jenny.

1 comment:

TomH said...

It's a tough call between the suede Hunter's cap or the Pith helmet.